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Video Transcribed: How does the presumption of paternity establish the father-child relationship? Hi, my name is Amber Meadors-Fouda, and I’m an Oklahoma attorney with urban.legal. The law presumes the father to be the father of the child if the child is born during the marriage.
The law also presumes the child and father relationship if the child is born prior to the marriage and the father has taken affirmative steps to hold himself out to be the father of the child during the first two years of the child’s life.
Furthermore, if the father of the child has resided with the child during the first two years of the child’s life and has held himself out to be the father of the child, he is also presumed under the law to be the father of the child. And once this presumption is established during the first two years of the child’s life, there’s really no other steps for the father to take to declare himself to be the legal father of the child.
If you have questions or concerns about this legal relationship and you were married or you resided with the child through the first few years of the child’s life, you may want to discuss this with an attorney. That could be myself or another attorney. And you can check me out urban.legal.