Oklahoma Law Allows for the Modification of a Child Support Order
Video Transcribed: Oklahoma law allows for the modification of a child support order when the situation ,warrants it. So you have been laid off from your job or your position was furloughed due to a situation that was happening in the economy, or your hours were cut and you’re looking for a new job, but you’re still receiving that child support order every month. And you know if you don’t pay it, the arrears will accrue, and that will cause your order to increase because you’re having to pay back the arrears.
So what situation warrants, a modification of a child support order? You may find that when the order was originally entered a few years ago, or in the past, you were making more money than what you’re currently making. Or you may find that the custodial parent who has the child most of the time is making more money than what that parent was making the years when the order was entered into.
So what do you do? You can go to court yourself and file a petition to modify the child support order. That entails you seeking relief from the child support order, because your situations have substantially changed, and loss of job through no fault of your own or a situation where your income has changed, or the situation with the children or the child, or the custodial parent has changed may warrant a modification of the child support order. If you have any questions about that, or would like to discuss it with an attorney, call me at Urban.legal (918) 932-2800.