The attorney client relationship is built on, trust, communication and loyalty
Video Transcribed: Isaiah Brydie with Urban Legal. This video is going to be all about why you need a black attorney. Now, I know a lot of people might say, oh you know an attorney is an attorney is an attorney and really what you pay for is what you get. In a lot of ways that’s true, but you have to I guess expand your vision on what you think of when you think of an attorney client, an attorney client relationship. Just like any relationship, the attorney client relationship is built on certain things, trust, communication and loyalty.
When you think of issues that some people come up with when you know you hear about a breakup or anything like that in a relationship, one of the main things that you hear about is a lack of communication. For example, oh you don’t get me or I can’t communicate with you or you don’t communicate with me, you don’t understand me. Just like any other relationship, the attorney client relationship, in the attorney client relationship communication and understanding is a paramount thing in that relationship.
When you have a black attorney and when you also are black yourself, there is a certain underlying understanding that happens just because of being black in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Not saying that an attorney of a different ethnicity can’t represent you adequately. Not saying that at all, but I’m simply saying that there is a certain level of understanding that is there when you have a black attorney from Tulsa, OK.
From that certain level of understanding, you can potentially have someone who can be a more zealous advocate for you because they have that understanding.
They might understand different things about your background or you might have went to school with them at one point or another or you might see them at the same functions. You have a better understanding, and from that understanding, you have a stronger basis for trusting that person. The attorney client relationship is founded and it is grounded in trust. So yeah. That’s a really important reason why you need a black attorney is for that understanding and from that understanding, having that higher level of trust and with that higher level of trust, having a more zealous advocate on your side.